The Cross Systems Unit (CSU) provides PINS Pre-Diversion/Preventive Services to children ages 10 to 18, who are at risk of family court involvement and/or out-of-home placements. CSU is a collaboration of the Department of Probation, the Department of Social Services, and the Department of Community Mental Health. Together, we use a multidisciplinary approach to create family-driven, strength-based, and individualized responses that assure safety and well-being of youth and families throughout Westchester County. MHA mental health care managers bring an array of services and expertise for children with serious social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. CSU provides an assessment, by a team of experts in the field, and offer a menu of services to best meet the needs of the family. Pre-Diversion/Preventive Services include casework counseling, information and referral, and a variety of contracted services, including family therapy and substance use and mental health treatment. CSU is a contract service through the Westchester County Department of Social Services.
For more information about CSU and to get in touch, please visit our new website at